Inverting amplifier (OPAMPs)

The inverting amplifier is one of the types of closed loop opamp configuration. In this configuration, the non-inverting (+ve) terminal of the opamp is connected to the ground, while the inverting terminal acts as input terminal. Negative feedback is present between the output terminal and (-ve) inverting terminal of OPAMP. Importance of negative feedback in Inverting […]

Digital Dice Roller using 555 timer & IC 4022

This low cost and non-partial Digital dice roller ensure a fair play and equal chance to all participants. Small enough to be carried around in a pocket, it would prove to be an ideal companion in indoor and outdoor games like ludo, Snake & Ladder, etc. Since times immemorial the six-faced cube, ever since the […]

Quantum Computers Working Explained

What is a quantum computer? What is the working of quantum computers? Here is everything you should know about quantum computers. So read carefully. “A quantum computer is a computer which uses principles and phenomena of quantum mechanics to deliver huge processing power”. Quantum machines promise the ability to surpass today’s and tomorrow’s most capable […]