Non Inverting opamp
Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Operational amplifier basics

Non Inverting Amplifier (OPAMPs)

A non-inverting amplifier is an OPAMP circuit configuration whose output is in phase with the input signal at the non-inverting input. The input signal is applied at the non-inverting input of the opamp. A non-inverting amplifier also acts as a voltage follower circuit. The non-inverting amplifiers also have negative feedback which is used to control […]

Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Operational amplifier basics

Inverting amplifier (OPAMPs)

The inverting amplifier is one of the types of closed loop opamp configuration. In this configuration, the non-inverting (+ve) terminal of the opamp is connected to the ground, while the inverting terminal acts as input terminal. Negative feedback is present between the output terminal and (-ve) inverting terminal of OPAMP. Importance of negative feedback in Inverting […]

Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Operational amplifier basics

741 OPAMP, First Operational Amplifier IC

741 OPAMP (operational amplifier) IC is one of the oldest and most popular IC with high performance. It is used in various analog applications such as integrator and differentiator summing amplifier differentiator etc. Operational amplifier: An operational amplifier is a DC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier amplifier that has high gain, differential input, high input resistance, […]