In this blog you can find opamp tutorial and circuits like differentiator integrator, summing amplifier and many more circuit. Operational amplifier basics detailed explanation and working of each circuit.

An operational amplifier is a DC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier amplifier that has high gain, differential input, high input resistance, and low output resistance.

There are mainly two types of opams amplifiers inverting amplifiers and others one is non inverting amplifier.

IC 741 Pin Diagram Working, ic 741 op amp
Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Operational amplifier basics

OP AMP IC 741 Pin Diagram, Working and Applications

Let’s see IC OP AMP IC 741 Pin Diagram and working with its applications operational amplifier IC 741 is one of the oldest and most popular IC with high performance. It’s been around since the 1960s and is still used in various applications today. The “741” refers to the model number assigned by the manufacturer, […]

Automatic battery charger circuit 12V auto cut off
DC Power Supply Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Opamp based project

Automatic Battery Charger circuit using LM358 OP-AMP

This Automatic battery charger circuit cuts-off power supply when the battery gets fully charged. This circuit can charge any battery like Li-Po, Lead Acid, or Ni-Cd if you set it properly. Everyone needs a Battery Charger with a Battery. It charges the Lead Acid Battery up to 50Ah. You can set the battery cutoff threshold by setting […]