In this blog we will be discussing about different types of diode and symbol. A diode is basically two terminal electronic device which allows current to flow in one direction while it blocks the current in other direction.

It is made of two types of semiconductor materials namely p-type and n-type. By varying the properties of these materials different types of of diode are manufactured. Here are some different type of diodes described as follow.

  1. Schottky diode
  2. PN junction diode
  3. Avalanche diode
  4. Zener diode
  5. Light Emitting Diode
  6. Photodiode
  7. Laser diode
Varactor Diode
Active components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Working of Diode

Varactor Diode Symbol, Construction, Working & Applications

A varactor diode is a specialized semiconductor device widely used in electronics to utilize its property of variable capacitance. By understanding its symbol, construction, working principles, and applications, engineers can design systems that take advantage of its unique characteristics. This article provides a detailed overview of the varactor diode. Varactor Diode Symbol The symbol of […]

Step Recovery Diode
Active components Electronics components Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Working of Diode

Step Recovery Diode Symbol, Construction, Working & Applications

A Step Recovery Diode (SRD) is a special type of semiconductor diode also called as snap-off diode and charge storage diode. Step recovery diodes are having a different style of doping, it is not like a normal PN junction diode. The operation of SRD is based on the principle of storing and releasing charge during […]

Gunn diode symbol
Active components Electronic devices Electronics components Electronics tutorial Types of Diode

Gunn Diode Working Principle VI Characteristics & Applications

Gunn diode operates on the Gunn effect which is named after its inventor J.B. Gunn. He discovered the periodic variation of current in a GaAs (gallium arsenide) rod in 1963. The microwave device that operates on the principle of transfer of electrons is called as Gunn diode. This is one of the diodes used as […]

VI Characteristics of Zener Diode and symbol
Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Zener Diode

VI Characteristics of Zener Diode, Working and its Applications

Here we will discuss the VI characteristics of Zener Diode, its working as a voltage regulator and some applications. Zener Diode is a special purpose PN junction diode its construction is similar to a conventional PN junction diode. It has some unique characteristics which we will discuss. Overview of Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator: Zener […]

Shockley diode symbol
Electronics tutorial Shockley Diode Types of Diode

Shockley Diode Symbol Construction, Working and Applications

You can see Shockley diode symbol it is a four-layer (P-N-P-N) semiconductor device. Like pn junction diode It conducts in forward bias and stops conducting in reverse bias. The main difference between a conventional diode and a Shockley diode is, it starts conducting when the forward voltage crosses its breakdown voltage. It is an active component. It […]