Here are the basic electronics tutorial circuits for beginners. You can find here tutorials on operational amplifiers (opamp), transistor, MOSFETs, 555 timer IC, audio amplifiers and many more.

Arduino uno board
Arduino based projects Electronics tutorial

Arduino Uno Pinout Diagram and it’s Special Features

In this article, I am going to talk about Arduino Uno pinout and its features Let’s start… The Arduino Uno board: In Italian Uno means one. The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller-based development board. ATmega328p is the microcontroller used in Arduino Uno. Its software is also open-source. It is simply ideal for hobbyists as […]

Shockley diode symbol
Electronics tutorial Shockley Diode Types of Diode

Shockley Diode Symbol Construction, Working and Applications

You can see Shockley diode symbol it is a four-layer (P-N-P-N) semiconductor device. Like pn junction diode It conducts in forward bias and stops conducting in reverse bias. The main difference between a conventional diode and a Shockley diode is, it starts conducting when the forward voltage crosses its breakdown voltage. It is an active component. It […]

Definition of diode PN junction diode symbol
Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Working of Diode

Definition of Diode, VI Characteristics, Working and Application

The definition of diode is very simple, “A diode is a two-terminal polarized electronic component which mainly conducts current in one direction and blocks in other direction”. Its resistance in one direction is low (ideally zero) and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other direction. There are various types of Diodes like Zener, Schottky, tunnel, […]