Here are the basic electronics tutorial circuits for beginners. You can find here tutorials on operational amplifiers (opamp), transistor, MOSFETs, 555 timer IC, audio amplifiers and many more.

16 Tune Doorbell circuit
Electronics project Electronics tutorial

Musical Doorbell Circuit Diagram with 16 Tune

Introducing the musical 16 Tune musical doorbell circuit diagram, it produces a different musical tune each time the bell push button is pressed. The bell produces a total of 16 tunes which follows successively. Music Doorbell is a harmonious fusion of functionality and creativity that transforms the mundane act of answering the door into a […]

opamp comparator circuit
Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Operational amplifier basics

Voltage Comparator Circuit using OPAMPs

A voltage comparator is a circuit which compares the voltages at its input terminals and switches the output to either high or low depending upon which input was high. making a voltage comparator using transistors and other components is quite difficult and makes no sense because we have OPAMPs. We can use 741, LM311, LM324, […]

current to voltage converter
Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Operational amplifier basics

Current to Voltage Converter(I to V)

A current to voltage converter circuit produces output voltage with respect to input current. An I to V converter is used to convert varying current into equivalent output voltage.  This circuit is very much useful when the measuring instrument can measure only voltages not the current and we want to measure the output current. The […]

Gunn diode symbol
Active components Electronic components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Types of Diode

Gunn Diode Working Principle VI Characteristics & Applications

Gunn diode operates on the Gunn effect which is named after its inventor J.B. Gunn. He discovered the periodic variation of current in a GaAs (gallium arsenide) rod in 1963. The microwave device that operates on the principle of transfer of electrons is called as Gunn diode. This is one of the diodes used as […]