Let’s explore JK Flip Flop Truth Table, with its circuit diagram. A flip-flop is a fundamental building block of digital circuits used in digital electronics and sequential logic circuits. It is a type of bistable multivibrator, meaning it has two stable states. Flip-flops are widely used for data storage, data transfer, and control applications in […]
Flip Flops
IC74163 Pin Diagram, Truth Table & Counter Circuit
IC74163 Integrated Presettable Synchronous 4-bit Modulo-16 Up counter. The IC is a synchronous counter as all 4 flip-flops are integrated into the same chip & they receive the same clock pulse (clock signal). The IC74163 is a completely programmable binary counter due to its four preset inputs, which allow it to begin counting with any […]
IC74193, Up/Down Counter, Pin Configuration, Datasheet
IC 74193 is a 4-bit presettable synchronous MODULO-16 Up/Down binary counter IC. IC74193 has two separate clock input pins to count up and count down, the output is synchronous with the clock inputs. The separate Terminal Count Up & Terminal Count Down are provided which is useful for designing higher counter or cascading the IC74193. The […]
IC 7493 4 Bit Binary Counter Circuit Designing
IC 7493 is a 4 bit binary counter IC, it is composed of 4 JK Flip Flop. Out of which 3 are connected together and 1 is alone, it is consists of a mod 8 counter and a mod 2 counter. Together they make a mod 16 counter. Specifications of 74LS93 IC: It has two […]
What is Flip Flop Circuit? Types of Flip Flops with Truth Table
What are flip flops in electronics? A flip-flop is an electronic circuit that can store single-bit binary data either logic 0 or logic 1. Basically, a flip flop is a Bistable multivibrator that changes its output depending on the input. Flip Flops are of two types edge triggered, and level triggered. State of an Edge […]