metal detector circuit
Bc 547 transistor projects Electronics project Electronics tutorial

How does metal detector works? fully explained

Introduction: A metal detector is a device that can detect metal which may not be seen directly. The simplest kind of metal detector can be made using an oscillator, two inductor coils, and a detector or indicator. Here we will talk about how does metal detector works its construction applications and the importance of metal […]

Bc547 Transistor pinout
Bc 547 transistor projects Electronics project Electronics tutorial

Top 5 BC547 Transistor Project Complete Explanation

here are the Top 5 DIY bc547 transistor projects for you. Bc-547 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor(BJT). It is widely used for power amplification and switching. The word transistor means two words, transfer and resistor. The use of a transistor is to transfer the resistance. In transistors, a small amount of current at the […]

5 Volt Power Supply Circuit
DC Power Supply Electronics project Electronics tutorial Power supplies

5V Power Supply Circuit with LM7805 Voltage Regulator IC

Most electronic circuits, including microcontrollers, digital ICs, and operational amplifiers, require a stable 5V power supply. In this article, we will discuss how to build a simple yet reliable 5V power supply circuit using the LM7805 voltage regulator. This circuit is widely used in embedded systems, robotics, and general-purpose electronics due to its simplicity and […]