The SG3525 is a versatile PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) controller IC commonly present in inverter circuits to convert DC to AC at either 50Hz or 60Hz. Here’s a PWM based SG3525 inverter circuit with working. 1. Components Required: SG3525A PWM Controller IC N-channel MOSFETs (e.g., IRF3205) or IGBTs Transformers (Center-tapped, depending on the required output […]
VFD Variable Frequency Drive Working with Block Diagram
Let’s get started with Variable Frequency Drive working, also known as VFD. It is an electronic device that controls the speed of electric motors by adjusting the frequency of the electrical power supplied to them. These drives have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their energy-saving capabilities, improved process control, and reduced wear […]
Universal NOR Gate Truth Table, Logic Circuit and IC PIN Diagram
Let’s see NOR Gate Truth Table and its IC and various other logics implemented using this gate. logical NOR gate is a transistor-based electronic circuit, that produces a high output if all inputs are low. my dear friends warmly welcome all of you devoted readers to yet another excellent article NOR Gate Truth Table. A […]
12V to 230V Inverter Circuit Diagram using 555 timer IC
The circuit in this article shows you a simple way to build a 12v to 230v inverter circuit diagram of 100watt power using 555 IC. 555 is a timer ic which is used to generate time delay. On these properties, it can be used to make a power inverter. CD4047 Inverter circuit This Inverter does […]
CD4047 Inverter, 100 watt Power, Also why its not good?
In this project, we will make CD4047 Inverter, and also we will discuss why they are not a good solution. An inverter is a device that converts DC voltage to AC. They are very important for power backup in a remote location like villages where there is a frequent power cut off problem also in […]