16 Tune Doorbell circuit
Electronics project Electronics tutorial

Musical Doorbell Circuit Diagram with 16 Tune

Introducing the musical 16 Tune musical doorbell circuit diagram, it produces a different musical tune each time the bell push button is pressed. The bell produces a total of 16 tunes which follows successively. Music Doorbell is a harmonious fusion of functionality and creativity that transforms the mundane act of answering the door into a […]

water level indicator ,bc547 transistor
Bc 547 transistor projects Electronics project Electronics tutorial

How to Make Water Level Indicator using BC547 Transistor

Learn how to make a very simple water level indicator using transistor bc547 at home in a few simple steps as follow… before starting you should have a basic knowledge of how a transistor works. watch this video for a better understanding. Basic principles: Transistor is a device which is used for amplification or switching […]