Types of Capacitors
Electronic components Electronics tutorial Passive components

Types of Capacitors with Symbol, Classification and Applications

This guide provides an in-depth look at various types of capacitors, their Symbol, construction, working principles, advantages, disadvantages, and applications. Capacitors are essential components in electronic circuits, serving a wide range of applications such as energy storage, filtering, timing, and coupling. They are classified into three main categories: Fixed Capacitors, Variable Capacitors, and Special Purpose […]

What is coupling capacitor
Electronic components Electronics tutorial Passive components

What is Coupling Capacitor, Construction, Working & Applications

A coupling capacitor is a crucial component in electronic circuits, primarily used to transmit an AC signal from one stage of a circuit to another while blocking DC components. Here’s a detailed overview of its construction, working, value selection and Applications: Construction of Capacitor: The construction of a coupling capacitor involves creating a device that […]