Sine Wave Generator Circuit RC Phase Shift Oscillator Using BJT
BJTs Electronics tutorial Oscillators Passive components Transistors

Simple Sine Wave Generator Circuit using Transistor

A sine wave generator is a circuit that produces a smooth and continuous sine wave output. One simple and widely used method for generating sine waves is by employing an RC Phase Shift Oscillator. In this article, we will discuss how to design a simple sine wave generator using an RC Phase Shift Oscillator with […]

Active components in electronics
Active components Electronic components Electronics tutorial

What are Active components in electronics and Their Classification

Definition of Active components: “Active components are those who has the ability to control flow of electrons either by using voltage or by using another current.” Voltage-controlled devices are MOSFETs, vacuum tubes, while current-controlled devices are bipolar junction transistors which allow one current to control another. Active components can be of different types like semiconductor […]