Wiring harnesses
Circuit Designing Electronics project Electronics tutorial

Are Wiring Harnesses Necessary for Electronics Projects?

Most electronics projects are characterized by breadboards, jumper wires, ICs, power supplies, and several other discrete components, such as resistors, transistors, and capacitors. But are wiring harnesses necessary? Cable assemblies are not really necessary in such projects because all you need are jumper wires. However, they provide several benefits, which I’ll explain below to justify […]

Soil Moisture Sensor Arduino
Arduino Electronics project ESP32 Internet of Things IOT Sensors

Interfacing DHT11 + Soil Moisture Sensor with Arduino & ESP32

Let’s learn how to build an Environment Monitoring System with Arduino, ESP32, Soil Moisture Sensor, and DHT11 Sensor. Monitoring environmental conditions such as soil moisture, temperature, and humidity is essential for applications in agriculture, gardening, and climate control. We’ll cover the working principles of these sensors, how to interface them with Arduino or ESP32, and […]

Current Switching Circuit with Arduino
Amplifier Projects Arduino Arduino based projects Electronics project Electronics tutorial Gadgets Internet of Things IOT Power supplies Protection Circuits

Current Switching Circuit using Arduino

Hello friends, Current Switching Circuit using Arduino? Do you know how to switch between two power supplies or current sources using Arduino and Relays? Welcome to another interesting article, suppose you want to operate a device that can be operated based on the room temperature or a temperature inside the device, let’s understand this with […]