ESP32 Weather Station by BME280 Sensor
Arduino Electronics project Electronics tutorial ESP32 Internet of Things IOT Sensors

ESP32 Weather Station with BMP280 / BME280 Sensor

The ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, making it an excellent choice for IoT applications. In this project, we will build a weather station using the ESP32 with BMP280 / BME280 air pressure sensor. The BMP280 measures temperature, pressure, and altitude, while the BME280 adds humidity measurement. The sensor data will […]

Types of Sensors
Arduino Electronic components Electronics tutorial Sensors

What is a Sensor? Types of Sensors, Classification & Applications

Let’s see various types of sensors within their classification and Applications. A sensor is a device or component that detects changes in its environment and converts those changes into an electrical signal or another form of readable data. Sensors are used in various applications to monitor, measure, or control processes, equipment, or environmental conditions. They […]