7490 mod 10 counter
Counter Circuits Electronics tutorial

7490 Decade Counter Circuit (Mod-10) Designing

IC 7490 is Asynchronous mod-10 Counter IC. In this article, we are going to study IC 7490 Decade Counter Circuit. IC 7490 is also known as BCD Counter, Decade Counter, and mod-10. These names are given based on the Functionality and Working Principle of IC 7490.  Counter Designing using 7490 IC: In the discussion of Counter ICs, some basic […]

16 Tune Doorbell circuit
Electronics project Electronics tutorial

Musical Doorbell Circuit Diagram with 16 Tune

Introducing the musical 16 Tune musical doorbell circuit diagram, it produces a different musical tune each time the bell push button is pressed. The bell produces a total of 16 tunes which follows successively. Music Doorbell is a harmonious fusion of functionality and creativity that transforms the mundane act of answering the door into a […]

opamp comparator circuit
Electronics tutorial OP-AMP tutorial Operational amplifier basics

Voltage Comparator Circuit using OPAMPs

A voltage comparator is a circuit which compares the voltages at its input terminals and switches the output to either high or low depending upon which input was high. making a voltage comparator using transistors and other components is quite difficult and makes no sense because we have OPAMPs. We can use 741, LM311, LM324, […]