In this article, we will explore various types of logic gates with their symbol, truth table, Boolean expression, properties, IC numbers, applications, advantages, and disadvantages. Logic gates are the fundamental building blocks in digital electronics. There are basically seven main types of logic gates that are used to perform various logical operations in digital systems. […]
NOR Gate
SR Latch Truth Table and Working by NAND and NOR Gate
In this article, we will explore the working of the SR Latch, its truth table, its implementation using NAND and NOR gates, and the differences between an SR Latch and an SR Flip-Flop. The SR Latch is one of the most fundamental building blocks in digital electronics. It is a type of bistable multivibrator, meaning […]
SR Flip Flop Truth Table, Circuit Diagram, Working and Applications
Let’s see SR latch and explore SR flip flop truth table, with its working, advantages, limitations and applications. The SR flip-flop, also known as the Set-Reset flip-flop, is a fundamental building block in digital electronics used for storing a single bit of data. This type of flip-flop has two inputs labeled S (Set) and R […]
T Flip Flop Truth Table, Circuit Diagram, Working and Applications
Let’s explore T flip flop truth table and working of its circuit with applications. A T flip-flop, also known as a toggle flip-flop, is a basic digital circuit element that has two stable states and can change state (toggle) based on a triggering input. T Flip Flop Circuit Diagram: Here’s the circuit diagram for a […]
Universal NOR Gate Truth Table, Logic Circuit & IC 7402 PIN Diagram
Let’s see NOR Gate Truth Table and its IC and various other logics implemented using this gate. logical NOR gate is a transistor-based electronic circuit, that produces a high output if all inputs are low. my dear friends warmly welcome all of you devoted readers to yet another excellent article NOR Gate Truth Table. A […]