Types of Variable Speed Drives
Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Inverters Motor Drives

Types of Variable Speed Drives: Construction, Working & Applications

Here is a detailed explanation on types of variable speed drives, including their construction, working principles, advantages, disadvantages, and applications. Variable Speed Drives (VSDs), also known as Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) or Adjustable Speed Drives (ASDs), are devices or systems used to control the speed and torque of motors by varying the frequency, voltage or […]

LDR Light Dependent Resistor
Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Passive components Sensors

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) / Photoresistor Circuit Diagram & Working

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) are widely used in various applications where light detection is required, such as in automatic street-lights, camera light meters, and burglar alarm systems. This article will delve into the symbol, construction, working principle, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and applications of LDRs. Additionally, a simple LDR circuit to detect light will be explained […]

Tunnel Diode
Active components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Working of Diode

Tunnel Diode Symbol, Construction, Working and Applications

The tunnel diode, also known as the Esaki diode, is a type of semiconductor diode that exhibits a unique behavior due to quantum mechanical tunneling. Leo Esaki invented the tunnel diode in 1957, and he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for it in 1973. Its negative resistance region in the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics makes […]

PIN Diode
Active components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Working of Diode

PIN Diode Symbol, Construction, Working & Applications

In this article, we will explore the PIN diode in detail, covering its symbol, construction, VI characteristics, working principle, advantages, disadvantages, and applications. A PIN diode is a type of semiconductor device that is widely used in RF and microwave applications. The name “PIN” comes from the structure of the diode, which consists of three […]

Schottky Diode
Active components Electronic devices Electronics components Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Working of Diode

Schottky Diode Symbol, Construction, Working & Applications

The Schottky diode, a significant component in modern electronics, is known for its low forward voltage drop and fast switching speed. It finds extensive use in applications requiring high efficiency and low power loss. This article provides an in-depth explanation of the Schottky diode, covering its symbol, construction, VI characteristics, working, advantages, disadvantages, and applications. […]

Varactor Diode
Active components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Types of Diode Working of Diode

Varactor Diode Symbol, Construction, Working & Applications

A varactor diode is a specialized semiconductor device widely used in electronics to utilize its property of variable capacitance. By understanding its symbol, construction, working principles, and applications, engineers can design systems that take advantage of its unique characteristics. This article provides a detailed overview of the varactor diode. Varactor Diode Symbol The symbol of […]