Types of Capacitors
Electronic components Electronics tutorial Passive components

Types of Capacitors with Symbol, Classification and Applications

This guide provides an in-depth look at various types of capacitors, their Symbol, construction, working principles, advantages, disadvantages, and applications. Capacitors are essential components in electronic circuits, serving a wide range of applications such as energy storage, filtering, timing, and coupling. They are classified into three main categories: Fixed Capacitors, Variable Capacitors, and Special Purpose […]

LDR Light Dependent Resistor
Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Passive components Sensors

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) / Photoresistor Circuit Diagram & Working

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) are widely used in various applications where light detection is required, such as in automatic street-lights, camera light meters, and burglar alarm systems. This article will delve into the symbol, construction, working principle, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and applications of LDRs. Additionally, a simple LDR circuit to detect light will be explained […]

Sine Wave Generator Circuit RC Phase Shift Oscillator Using BJT
BJTs Electronics tutorial Oscillators Passive components Transistors

Simple Sine Wave Generator Circuit using Transistor

A sine wave generator is a circuit that produces a smooth and continuous sine wave output. One simple and widely used method for generating sine waves is by employing an RC Phase Shift Oscillator. In this article, we will discuss how to design a simple sine wave generator using an RC Phase Shift Oscillator with […]

Coupling, Decoupling, and Bypass Capacitors
Electronic components Electronics tutorial Passive components

Difference Between Coupling, Decoupling, and Bypass Capacitors

Capacitors are fundamental components in electronic circuits, performing various critical functions. Among the many types of capacitors, coupling, decoupling, and bypass capacitors are particularly important. Although they might seem similar at first glance, each serves a unique purpose in ensuring the proper functioning of electronic systems. This article explores the differences between coupling, decoupling, and […]

Decoupling capacitor use and working
Electronic components Electronics tutorial Passive components

What is Decoupling Capacitor? Working and Uses

A decoupling capacitor is a capacitor used in electronic circuits to decouple one part of a circuit from another. It serves two primary functions: Filtering out Noise: It filters out high-frequency noise or transients on the power supply lines. Stabilizing Voltage: It provides a local reservoir of charge to stabilize the voltage supplied to an […]

Difference Between Active and Passive Electronic Components
Active components Electronic components Electronics tutorial Passive components

Difference Between Active and Passive Electronic Components

The primary difference between active and passive electronic components lies in their ability to control electric current. Active components can control the flow of electricity, whereas Passive components cannot control the flow of electricity running through them. Here’s a detailed comparison between the two: Active Components: Definition Active components are electronic components that can control […]