Optoisolators And Optocoupler circuit
Electronic components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Integrated circuits (ICs)

What Are Optoisolators And Optocouplers, How They Work?

Optoisolators and Optocoupler sound very similar and they are the same in terms of workings and other features let’s see what are optoisolators and optocoupler. There are some differences due to which they are given different names. Photocoupler is another name of the optocoupler. An optocoupler or photocoupler and an optoisolator are semiconductor devices that […]

Scaling of MOSFET
Active components Electronic components Electronics tutorial MOSFETs Transistors

What is Scaling of MOSFET, Scaling Factor, and Types of Scaling

Scaling of MOSFET means, the Reduction of scales from something, Hey! Friends let us first understand what is the basic idea behind the scaling of MOSFET? Scaling is one of the best ways to increase the performance of the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET). In scaling we reduced some critical parameters of the […]

Interfacing of L293D with Arduino
Arduino based projects Electronic components Electronics tutorial Integrated circuits (ICs)

L293D Pin Diagram, Working and Interfacing of L293D with Arduino

In this blog, we will discuss about L293D Pin Diagram its working, and its interfacing with Arduino. L293D can drive two DC motors simultaneously, with up to 600mA current in each channel. It receives a control signal from microcontrollers such as Arduino, ESP32 Dev Module, etc. based on these control signals it controls the direction […]

n-channel depletion type mosfet
Active components Electronic components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial MOSFETs Transistors

MOSFET VI Characteristics, Symbol and it’s Classification

MOSFET Full Form is Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. Here we will be discussing MOSFET VI Characteristics, symbol and its classification. They are broadly classified into two types namely enhancement Type and depletion type MOSFET. In an enhancement type MOSFET channel has to be induced for the device to conduct, which is achieved by […]

Gunn diode symbol
Active components Electronic components Electronic devices Electronics tutorial Types of Diode

Gunn Diode Working Principle VI Characteristics & Applications

Gunn diode operates on the Gunn effect which is named after its inventor J.B. Gunn. He discovered the periodic variation of current in a GaAs (gallium arsenide) rod in 1963. The microwave device that operates on the principle of transfer of electrons is called as Gunn diode. This is one of the diodes used as […]