Arduino with temperature sensor
Arduino Arduino based projects Electronics tutorial

Arduino with temperature sensor – Interfacing LCD and LM35

Let’s see how to interface Arduino with temperature sensor. LM35 is a three-terminal temperature sensing device. It is used to measure temperature in the range of -55°C to 150°C. It is a three-terminal device that produces an analog voltage proportional to the temperature of its surroundings. We can convert the analog output into digital using […]

Interfacing of L293D with Arduino
Arduino based projects Electronic components Electronics tutorial Integrated circuits (ICs)

L293D Pin Diagram, Working and Interfacing of L293D with Arduino

In this blog, we will discuss about L293D Pin Diagram its working, and its interfacing with Arduino. L293D can drive two DC motors simultaneously, with up to 600mA current in each channel. It receives a control signal from microcontrollers such as Arduino, ESP32 Dev Module, etc. based on these control signals it controls the direction […]

Bluetooth controlled car using ESP32
Electronics project Electronics tutorial ESP32

Bluetooth Controlled Car using ESP32 and Android phone

In this project, we are making a Bluetooth Controlled Car using ESP32 Dev module. There is a reason why we have chosen ESP32 instead of any other board like Arduino. here is the reason why we have chosen it. ESP32 is now becoming more famous due to its great features like inbuilt Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules. Also, it has […]