Current Switching Circuit with Arduino
Amplifier Projects Arduino Arduino based projects Electronics project Electronics tutorial Gadgets Internet of Things IOT Power supplies Protection Circuits

Current Switching Circuit using Arduino

Hello friends, Current Switching Circuit using Arduino? Do you know how to switch between two power supplies or current sources using Arduino and Relays? Welcome to another interesting article, suppose you want to operate a device that can be operated based on the room temperature or a temperature inside the device, let’s understand this with […]

Arduino with temperature sensor
Arduino Arduino based projects Electronics tutorial

Arduino with temperature sensor – Interfacing LCD and LM35

Let’s see how to interface Arduino with temperature sensor. LM35 is a three-terminal temperature sensing device. It is used to measure temperature in the range of -55°C to 150°C. It is a three-terminal device that produces an analog voltage proportional to the temperature of its surroundings. We can convert the analog output into digital using […]

ultrasonic sensor without arduino
555 timer IC Arduino Arduino based projects Electronics tutorial

Ultrasonic Sensor Without Arduino using 555 timer

Hey folks, have you used an ultrasonic sensor in your projects! Do you know how it works? In this project, we will use an ultrasonic sensor without Arduino for object detection. We will interface ultrasonic sensor with a 555 timer to control a DC motor. How ultrasonic sensors work? As the name suggests an ultrasonic […]